Work packages

Work package 1: Management

WP leader: Staffan Strömblad

The project is coordinated at Karolinska Institutet and the management is aimed to secure efficient execution of the project. The management is aided by the Steering committee with representatives from all involved research groups. The project is also supported by a Scientific advisory board with four internationally leading experts.

Work package 2: Utilization, Dissemination and Durability

WP leader: Staffan Strömblad

This work package includes the dissemination of the project results through multiple channels, including publications in international peer reviewed scientific journals, presentations at international scientific conferences and open seminars at universities and institutes, deposition of data and software produced  in data and software repositories, communication through this home page as well as through press releases and other direct communication with media and the public. This work package also includes activities for utilization, exploitation and durability beyond the funding period.

Work package 3: Development of novel tools for facilitation of systems microscopy

WP leader: Carolina Wählby

This work package aims to develop new tools that will then be utilized in WPs 4-7, including new biosensors for microscopy based measurement of mechanical forces; new methods to combine the measurement of traction force with FRET biosensors; new technology for multiplex protein detection; new algorithms for automated classification of cell migration behavior; and isolation of cells based on their migratory behavior.

Work package 4: Global analyses of cell migration modes

WP leader: Staffan Strömblad

This work package will determine the expression profile of cells based on their cell migration behavior and will also determine the dynamic kinetics of mesenchymal cell migration modes in cancer cells.

Work package 5: High dimensional analysis of cell migration and its force application

WP leader: Staffan Strömblad

This work package aims to determine how cellular signaling from small GTPases of the Rho family related to the creation of traction forces during cell migration. Further, we will perform a high dimensional analysis of cellular and traction force features in 25 different cancer cell lines. This will be combined with RNA-seq expression profiling to determine how expression of specific genes is related to features of cell migration and force generation. This WP will also explore the usefulness of Vps34-inhibitors, developed by Sprint Bioscience, to interfere with cancer cell migration as a mean to block cancer metastasis.

WP6: Modelling of migration mode switching, gene networks and forces controlling cell migration

WP leader: Carsten Daub

This WP will explore expression profiling data generated in WPs 4-5 to determine candidate gene networks governing different cell migration behaviors and force generation. We will also model the nature of switching between different cell migration behaviors.

Work package 7: Identification of functional signaling pathways controlling cell migration modes

WP leader: Staffan Strömblad

In this WP, we will use gene perturbations to experimentally test the function of candidate gene networks identified in WP6 with the ultimate aim to identify functional signaling pathways controlling cell migration modes and traction force generation.

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Webmaster 2020-07-08